Monday 10 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 9

Pi finally seems to have stopped teething. Or, at least isn't in discomfort anymore. He is back to his usual happy self, and I am very happy to report was sleeping like a champ!

Here is how Day 9 looked:

Nap 1- 2 mins to get to sleep- 29 mins sleep-
Nap 2- 7 mins to get to sleep (in pram at shops)- 25 mins sleep
Nap 3 - 13 mins to get to sleep- I nursed him because he was approaching 4 hours and might have been hungry- 29 min sleep + 40 min sleep with nursing resettle.

Bed (at 6:37pm)- 6 mins to get to sleep!!!

During the night:

9:46pm- 16 mins to get back to sleep (took a few pick ups/put downs as he was a bit upset)
1:16am*- Dreamfeed- I don't think he woke up. I can't remember as I am so tired, but I am pretty sure I woke up without him crying, looked at the time and then fed him.
4:55am*- He woke up to Husband's alarm. I nursed him back to sleep as he was due for a feed.

Awake at 6:07- due to neighbour's alarm.

Can you believe that sleep! Go Pi!!!

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