Sunday 16 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 12

I think we are failing in a way (but in other ways, WINNING). I feel that we are failing as we are still in his room, and pick him up when he cries. So in the night he might still need us to provide the initial reassurance. I say might as we won't know if he needs it until we stop giving it. But I am not ready to not give it though. This sleep training thing for me, I believe, it all about balance. Finding the right amount of comfort but not dependence. I still feel, at my core that he should be attached to me 24hours a day. Husband feels differently, and while he would be okay if I put my foot down and said I needed to do it he definitely prefers having his room,and his wife back a bit more. At the end of the day it was a safety concern as much as anything, and we want to put Pi's safety first.

Thankfully, Pi is adjusting well, and I just try to give him lots of love and cuddles while he is awake to make up for the lack while he sleeps.

This is how day 12 looked:

Nap 1- 4 mins to get to sleep- 47 minutes sleep
Nap 2- Sleep in car- 20 minute sleep
Nap 3- 1 minute to get to sleep- 25 minute sleep
Nap 4- Fussed for 15 mins and then was too late for a nap.

Bed (at 6:22pm)- 0 mins to get to sleep!!!

During the night:

6:54pm- 9 mins to get back to sleep
8:30pm- 5 mins to get back to sleep (Husband did this one)
10:30pm*- 16 mins to get back to sleep
12:00am- 10mins to get back to sleep.
2:02am*- 16 mins to get back to sleep

Awake at 5:35

I get really frustrated when he doesn't have a long nap- and so does he. He gets super cranky now, or maybe I just notice it more. I tried to put him down for a fourth nap (as the first three were so short) but he cried, and next thing you know it was too late for a nap, else it would have messed with his bedtime.

I wonder if he was up so early due to the earlier bed time. I tried resettling, but wasn't having any of it.

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