Sunday 16 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 15

The good news about keeping such a detailed log... I noticed that when Pi was awake for a little bit longer than the 2 hours, he slept for a longer time. We thought it worth a try to keep him up a little bit longer (even though I tested this theory ages ago) and by gee, it worked (some of the time). Some of the time is much better than none of the time.

We spend the day at the shops today, and Pi was such a great little boy. I love Terrace Mall in Tsujido. They have lots of great shops that I love, like H&M for baby clothes, and Zara, and they also have some yummy restaurants and lots of baby rooms.

This is how day 15 looked:

Nap 1- 2 mins to get to sleep- 1 hour and 9 minutes sleep by himself.
Nap 2- In the pram. Took about 10 mins to get to sleep as I tried for about 6 mins in the baby room, but that wasn't working. But then I moved to my secret dark spot in the far stairwell  that has a braille bump, and he was down in 2 mins- 1 hour sleep
Nap 3- 3 minute to get to sleep- 30 minute sleep. He may have slept longer but a screaming kid woke him.

Bed (at 7:04pm)- 4 mins to get to sleep

During the night:

8:00pm- 35 mins to get back to sleep- Possibly teething. No idea. We gave him some Nurofen, just in case.
12:00am*- 15 mins to get back to sleep
1:24am-  32 mins to get back to sleep. We think he may have been teething and gave him some more Panadol, as we don't want to overdose on one.
4:42am*- 16mins to get back to sleep.


He had some long naps in the pram and at home, which was so great for him. We have no idea why there are a few long wake ups in there. Maybe teething issues. I wish he could tell us. We stay in the room with him at night if he needs us, and leave when he is asleep.

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