Wednesday 5 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 3

The little man is doing so well. He going to sleep with hardly any fuss for naps, so no touching needed.

I do feel really horrible to withhold my touch. Day 3 night I was crying again as all I want to do is have my little man next to me for as long as he wants, whether that is 15 months or 15 years... I do feel like I am ignoring my instincts by sleep training him, but I read again and again how between 5 1/2 months  and 7 1/2 months is the best time- which Pi is bang in the middle of. I honestly don't think I could do it when he is older and looking at me and can call out "mummy".

Here is how day 3 measured up-

Nap 1- 4 mins to get to sleep- 25 mins sleep
Nap 2- 5 mins to get to sleep- 1hr and 5 min sleep!!!
Nap 3- 4 mins to get to sleep- 25 min sleep

I didn't need to pat him at all. I just soothed with my voice and sang "twinkle twinkle".

Bed (at 6:42pm)- 3 mins to get to sleep and went down sooooo easily. Not even a fussy cry.

During the night:

9:57pm*- 10 mins to get back to sleep
12:25am- 31 mins to get back to sleep
2:07am *- 1 hour and 23 mins to get back to sleep
6:06am- 3 mins to get back to sleep

*nursed him to sleep. 

You can see a big 1 hr and 23 mins to get back to sleep. Tonight was hard on Husband, and we (somehow) had a miscommunication. I told him to only pat him if Pi really needs it. Husband thought I meant, "don't pat him at all". So I ended up having to go in at 3am, as Husband had his fingers plugging his ears and was just singing twinkle twinkle over and over and over- while poor little Pi was going hysterical. I know it might mess up the training a bit to have me go in, pick him up and then ultimately feed him (as so much time had past that he was due)- but I think Pi's comfort and sense of security is the most important, even if it sets us back a little bit.

We also think Pi is woken up by next door's alarm at 6:05am, which vibrates through the floor boards. It always woke us up when we have slept in that room. We also think some of his night wakings may be because of the neighbour going to bed (as he is a typical Japanese night owl), so we are going to try and play music tonight and see if that helps at all.

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