Monday 3 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 2

We are into day two and feeling very sleepy. My husband said to me today "Wow, it is really tiring when your sleep is broken".... Yeah, it is. Try six months of it.

As you can tell by the above comment, my husband is now on sleep duty, and is resettling Pi every time he wakes up but it hasn't been 4 hours since his last feed- if it is, then Boobie McGee (aka, Me) is on call. I am awake the whole time though, as I am a crappy sleeper, but at least Husband sleeps through the times I get up to feed him.

The good news is that while Pi can't get back to sleep on his own, yet, he is trying! Yay!

Here is how Day 2 looked:

Nap 1- 7 mins to get to sleep- 30 min sleep
Nap 2- 12 mins to get to sleep- 1hr and 12 min sleep!!! (Took a bit longer to fall asleep as he had a 3 min sleep in the car)
Nap 2-  5 mins to get to sleep- 34 min sleep

Bed (at 6:37pm)- 23 mins to get to sleep but went down fairly easily.

During the night:

10:10pm*- 15 mins to get back to sleep
12:17am- 23 mins to get back to sleep
2:07am- 10 mins to get back to sleep
3:28am*- 10 mins to get back to sleep
6:05am- 3 mins to get back to sleep

*nursed him to sleep. All other times were either singing/soothing with voice, shhing and patting. Sometimes instead of patting him, patting the mattress works much better. No pick ups due to him getting more upset when we put him back down.

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