Monday 17 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 16

Well, no new teethies have popped through yet so not quite sure what is going on with the longer wake ups. He did really well for day 16 though.

This is how day 16 looked:

Nap 1- 1 mins to get to sleep- 1 hour and 12 minutes sleep by himself.
Nap 2- 11 mins to get to sleep (he was WAY overtired- over 3 hours)- 1 hours and 43 minutes- I nursed him at the hour mark and he went back to sleep.
Nap 3- 3 minute to get to sleep- 36 minute sleep.

Bed (at 7:35pm)- 0 mins to get to sleep

During the night:

11:00pm*- 15 mins to get back to sleep
2:22am*- 12 mins to get back to sleep
3:37am-  8 mins to get back to sleep.

Awake at 6:22am

I thought I should mention (if I hadn't before) that when I feed him, the time I note that it takes him to get back to sleep is more the time it takes to feed him and then get back to sleep. Most of the time when he is finished and I lay him back down, he just rolls over and goes to sleep. It takes him roughly 15 mins to feed in the night.

How great was that night sleep. Apart from the extra waking, he did so well. Three times a night is a huge improvement on 6 times. Lets hope it continues to get better. I am aiming for two, personally (and then phasing out to once, then none when he is over a year).

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