Wednesday 5 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 4

Going to sleep for today's naps was amazingly quick! I was surprised at how little he fussed. At night, he only woke up four times (mind you, I am aiming for two). Here is how it looked:

Nap 1- 2 mins to get to sleep- 20 mins sleep and managed to nurse him back to sleep for another 40 mins.
Nap 2- 2 mins to get to sleep- 40 mins sleep
Nap 3- 2 mins to get to sleep- 32 min sleep

I didn't need to pat him at all again. I just soothed with my voice and sang "twinkle twinkle".

Bed (at 6:39pm)- 0 mins to get to sleep- Yep- 0. But that wasn't a good thing. The little man fell asleep on my shoulder as I was cuddling and singing "twinkle twinkle" to him (only twice). The reason this was bad, as naturally when he woke up he was wondering where I was. I have read babies falling asleep in one place, and waking up in another is really disorienting to them. Like us going to sleep in our bed and waking up on the front lawn...

During the night:

8:13pm- 22 mins to get back to sleep- including one pick up.
11:48pm*- 10 mins to get back to sleep
3:14am - 9 mins to get back to sleep
4:25am*- 35 mins to get back to sleep

The last waking took him a little while to get back to sleep as I remembered that I needed to change him AFTER I nursed him. And his nappy soaked through too- which meant a full change of 3 layers of clothes (Singlet, pj's and sleep sack). He was wide awake after, but after I laid him down in his bed, he just 'cooed' to himself for a bit before going back to sleep on his own... Yay! Go Pi-chan!

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