Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 17

WHEFESNVSFBJSRGIRG!!!! That is my excitement coming out over how fantastic his sleep was today.

This is how day 17 looked:

Nap 1- 1 mins to get to sleep- 1 hour and 37minutes sleep by himself.
Nap 2- 2 mins to get to sleep - 1 hours and 40 minutes- I nursed him at the hour mark and he went back to sleep.
Nap 3- 8 minute to get to sleep- 30 minute sleep- but I woke him up as it was getting late

Bed (at 7:15pm)- 11 mins to get to sleep with one resettle pick up.

During the night:

9:08pm- 4 mins to get back to sleep
12:12am*- 17 mins to get back to sleep
5:12am*-  18 mins to get back to sleep.- only slept for 3 mins before awake for the day


Awake at 5:33am

How good were those naps and night wakings, hey! I was so surprised. Needless to say, my boobs were quite painful as he was going about 5 hours between feeds. A bit of an early morning, but he had so much sleep at night I think he was well rested.

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