Thursday 6 November 2014

Sleep Training- Day 5

Pi needed four naps today, as he was so sleepy but refused to go over the 30 min mark. He is getting really bored being at home (I have tried to keep him home to make sure all sleep is in his crib). We go for walks, and out to the park for a bit sometimes, but mostly we rotate between the three rooms in our little house (2 LDK), which needless to say- is hellaboring.

Here is how Day 5 looked:

Nap 1- 2 mins to get to sleep- 34 mins sleep
Nap 2- 4 mins to get to sleep- 30 mins sleep
Nap 3- 6 mins to get to sleep- 30 min sleep
Nap 4- 4 mins to get to sleep- 20 min sleep and then another 30 minutes while/after nursing. He would have slept longer than 30 minutes, but it was 5:10pm and I didn't want it to interfere with his bed time.

I didn't need to pat him at all again. I just soothed with my voice and sang "twinkle twinkle".

Bed (at 6:48pm)- 8 mins to get to sleep (see below)

During the night:

10:38pm*- 20 mins to get back to sleep
1:50am- 50 mins to get back to sleep
3:40am* - 20 mins to get back to sleep
5:15am- 5 mins to get back to sleep

At bedtime, I actually let him cry for 5 minutes. After I laid him down for bed he went a little crazy. I sang "twinkle twinkle" as usual and soothed with my voice, but I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't pat him. I set a timer for 5 minutes, with the expectation that if he didn't calm down on his own within 5 minutes then I would help him. But I needed to give him a chance first. I figured I was in the room and soothing him with my voice, so he would know he is not alone.

It worked. By about 4 minutes (though, it seemed much longer) he was settling down, and at 6 minutes, he fell asleep. I felt a bit bad, but figured it's better for him to do it while I am in the room, than in a few days when I am out of the room.

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