Sunday 9 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 7

The teething has finally begun....!

Which meant that he had his cranky pants on ALL day, and his night sleep was a little messed up. We still stuck with our new plan and it worked so well!!! If Pichan ever got too upset then we still picked him up and comforted him when he needed it. I made sure to give him lots of cuddles in the day and still at night so he felt as comforted as possible, while still allowing him to develop the ability to self soothe.

Here is how Day 7 looked:

Nap 1- 1 mins to get to sleep- 39 mins sleep
Nap 2- 2 mins to get to sleep- 36 mins sleep + 38 minutes after patting and shh-ing back to sleep.
Nap 3 - 4 mins to get to sleep- 25 min sleep

Never did I do more than the initial "twinkle twinkle/good night" speech. Present, but boring.

Bed (at 6:42pm)- 3 mins to get to sleep!!! Only cried for 60 seconds.

During the night:

7:25pm- 3 mins to get back to sleep
10:20pm*- 15 mins to get back to sleep
12:00am- 14 mins to get back to sleep
2:25am*- 33 mins to get back to sleep- maybe teething pain so I gave him some "Bonjela" than Mum brought over from Australia.
4:53am  - 51 mins to get back to sleep. He cried a bit, so after 4 times of the plan, we gave him some more Bonjela and some baby Panadol (also brought from Australia) just in case it was teething pain.

*Nursed at night

He woke up at 6:13, which was only 29 minutes sleep since he last went down. Husband ended up getting up with him, instead of trying to resettle him.

During the night, it was a bit of a rough one. We think it is because of the teeth coming through. Hopefully after it has finished we will see an improvement in the amount of times he wakes up at night.

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