Sunday 16 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 14

Yes. I am still keeping a log. I figure I will keep it until 21 days (they say it takes 21 days to make a habit) and then take a log every 5 days to compare. In the "No cry sleep solution" they recommend taking a log only every 10 days, so you can see progress and don't focus on the bad nights. However I like to see it more often and like that I can go back over it every few days to see how often he is waking, etc.

This is how day 14 looked:

Nap 1- 7 mins to get to sleep- 33 minutes sleep
Nap 2- 2 mins to get to sleep- 30 minutes sleep
Nap 3- 0 minute to get to sleep- 1 hour and 50 minute sleep- BY HIMSELF!

Bed (at 6:54pm)- 1 mins to get to sleep!!!

During the night:

10:00pm*- 10 mins to get back to sleep
11:22pm-  1 hour and 52 mins to get back to sleep. We think he may have been teething and gave him some more Nurofen. We had no idea what was going on here. Husband started the settling, but I ended up finishing it as I felt so bad for him. He got back to sleep though, my poor little man. (We were in the room the whole time)
1:55am*- 10mins to get back to sleep.

Awake at 5:38am.

I couldn't believe that he slept the whole time for his third nap, without needing me to help resettle him. It's amazing stuff!

The long wake up during the night left us scratching our heads as to why though...

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