Wednesday 12 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 11

Wow, past the day 10 mark. The day 10 mark is significant for us, as we decided that at day 10, we would assess the progress (if any) and work out if it is affecting Pi positively, or poorly. We believe that Pi has been affected positively. He goes down without a fuss, mostly, and every time he cries in the night we are straight there to give him a quick cuddle and reassurance (while this might need to change in a week or two). In turn, Pi has been sleeping a little bit better (both night time and naps), and is quicker to fall asleep- which is good for me, obviously, but also good for him, as he is not getting distressed about being over tired and unable to switch his brain off.

This is how Day 11 looked:

Nap 1- 2 mins to get to sleep- 47 minute sleep
Nap 2- 6 mins to get to sleep- 28 minute sleep
Nap 3- 1 min to get to sleep- 1hour and 20 mins by himself + extra 40 minutes after feeding and resettle.

Bed (at 6:43pm)- 1 mins to get to sleep!!!

During the night:

*He woke briefly at about 8pm by us, so I am not counting that.
10:25pm*- 10 mins to get back to sleep
10:45pm- 10 minutes to get back to sleep
1:54am*- 20 mins to get back to sleep
5:02am*- 40 mins to get back to sleep- he was woken by Husband and wouldn't resettle. After trying for 40mins, including nursing him, I took him into our bed to have a cuddle and comfort nurse. He fell asleep for another hour after that.

Awake at 6:42am.

I feel like we are kind of making progress at night. He is taking a long time to nurse at night. He is usually finished in 10 minutes or so in the day. I think I notice it more as I am sleepy and uncomfortable, and though I used to nurse him ALL night (Or it seemed that way), at least I was nursing while I was snuggled in bed with my little boy, so it wasn't as much of a chore (in fact, I kind of miss it...sometimes)

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