Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 18

Today's naps were a bitter disappointment on the heels of yesterday's naps. Only 30mins each! When I calculated it, it was only 2 hours, or just over 2 hours between naps, so in the future I will try and keep him up a bit more, even when he is grizzly. See if that helps extend the naps...

This is how day 17 looked:

Nap 1- 3 mins to get to sleep- 30 minutes sleep.
Nap 2- 1 mins to get to sleep- 30 minutes sleep.
Nap 3- in prams- 30 minute sleep.

Bed (at 6:11pm)- 1 mins to get to sleep

During the night:

6:45pm- 6 mins to get back to sleep
11:20pm*- 19 mins to get back to sleep
3:54am*- 12 mins to get back to sleep

Awake at 5:30am

As you can see he had a really early bedtime as he was soooo tired.
The day had some crappy naps, but great night sleep! Go Pi-chan!

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