Sunday 9 November 2014

Sleep training- Day 8

Day 8 caused a re-write of the rules. Little Pi seemed to be in pain, and there is no way that I was going to withhold comfort when he really needed it. Thankfully, Mum also brought over Nurofen, as well as Panadol for Pi, which meant that he could be without pain at night. I read that Nurofen is better for teething (if your baby is old enough) as it is a pain killer (like Panadol) but also reduces inflammation of the gums.

I figure that I would rather plateau or take a step back from sleep training, than push him to settle on his own when he needs me. I want to be gentle regardless, and it is one thing to give a gentle nudge towards better sleep, and another (I feel) to withhold comfort when it is needed.

This is how day 8 looked:

Nap 1- 4 mins to get to sleep- 1 hour and 2 mins sleep- Pi woke up at 6:13, and didn't go back to sleep, so I think that is why he had a longer nap. He might have had even longer 'twere not for Husband and his lack of stealth...
Nap 2- 0 mins to get to sleep- 12 mins sleep- fell asleep in the car.
Nap 3 - 2 mins to get to sleep- 40 min sleep
Nap 4 - 7 mins to get to sleep- 20 min sleep.

Bed (at 6:35pm)- 2 mins to get to sleep!!!

During the night:

8:35pm- 15 mins to get back to sleep
9:10pm- 30 mins to get back to sleep (he only slept for 10 minutes after the last wake up. We gave him some Panadol, and Bonjela again. Poor little man.
12:50am*- ***HE HADN'T WOKEN UP YET*** I woke up and dreamfed him, as he hadn't been fed since 6:15pm and wanted him to have a nice belly full of warm milk and comfy Mummy cuddles. I gave him a dose of Nurofen too, just in case.
4:00am*- 4 mins to get back to sleep. It had only been just over 3 hours, but I figured it was close enough to morning to give him a top up, and wanted him to have the comfort due to teething.

Awake at 6:07.

I was so surprised that he slept- really- until 4am (if you don't count the dreamfeed). I am calling it a fluke for now, but we will see...

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