Thursday 5 June 2014

What you need to do after giving birth

I found this site SUPER helpful in terms of things that need to be done after you give birth ( Here's some info is below:

 Procedures after giving birth in Japan

◆Overall steps◆
  1. 【Within 14 days after birth】
    Residential registration of baby at local city hall
  2. 【Within 15 days after birth】
    Application for child allowance at local city hall
  3. Application for health insurance card- this depends on where your insurance is from. I am under my husbands insurance, so his company did this.
  4. 【Within 30 days after birth】
    Application for dependent family visa (to live in Japan over 60 days) at regional immigration office
  5. 【After receiving health insurance card】
    Application for infant and child medical card at local city hall- (I got this before I received his health insurance card though)

◆ Detailed steps ◆
【1. At the hospital】
Receive birth certificate at the hospital that your baby was born.
Here, “birth certificate” means a document called “shussei shoumei sho 出生証明書” in Japanese. In this format, right half part is used as “birth certificate” and left half is used as “notification of birth (shussei todoke 出生届)”.
【2. At the city hall】
2-1: Visit the citizen’s affairs division (shimin-ka 市民課) within 14 days after birth
i)Fill in “notification of birth” form and submit together with “birth certificate” form.
ii)Obtain two copies of “certificate of acceptance of birth notification (shussei todoke jyuri syoumei sho 出生届受理証明書)”
iii)Obtain two copies of “residence certificate (jyu-min hyou no utsushi 住民票の写し)”
. There are two types in this certificate, one is for individual and the other is for all family members.
Be sure to make a request for the issue of the latter in order to prove relationships among you, your spouse and your baby.
*Certificates above are necessary for visa, passport and health insurance applications.
*Each certificate costs 200-300yen per one unit.

2-2: Child care division(kodomo-ka 子ども課)
Make application for child allowance(jidou teate 児童手当) within 15 days after birth. Parent is able to receive benefit to grow children.
*Bring your bank account information and registered personal seal/signature to apply for the allowance.

2-3: Tax division(Zeimu-ka 税務課)
Obtain “certificate of tax payment(kazei (shotoku) shoumei sho 課税(所得)証明書) ”
*This is necessary as a proof of your tax amount/annual income which is required for your baby’s visa application.
*If your stay in Japan is less than one year, it may not be issued. Please consult with the General Affairs Section.
*Each copy of certificate costs 200-300 yen.
【3.At regional immigration office】
Make application for dependent family visa at Immigration Office within 30days after birth.

Please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website:
Application for permission to acquire status of residence »»
  • Application form 
    * Photo is not required for a child under 16yrs old.
  • A copy of birth notification (shussei todoke jyuri syoumei sho 出生届受理証明書)
  • Passports and Resident cards/Alien registration cards of you and your wife
  • Resident certificate of your family members (jyu-min hyou no utsushi 住民票の写し)
  • (for employees) Certificate of employment 
    * Make a request at IFReC office

【4. At the embassy/consulate of your country in Japan】
4-1: Making notification of birth
4-2: Application for passport
*Bring Certificate of acceptance of birth notification (shussei todoke jyuri syoumei sho 出生届受理証明書)and other requirements. For details, please confirm webpage of your country’s embassy.

-Depending on your nationality, you may be required to submittranslation of certificates (from Japanese to your mother language)made by certified translators or “Apostille” to prove official documents.
Please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website »»
-For details, please contact embassy of your country.
【5. For Employees: at IFReC Office, 
     For Research fellows/Students: at City Hall】
5-1: Register your baby as your dependent family under MEXT mutual association or other social insurance systems
* Application form
* Attach resident certificate (jyu-min hyou no utsushi 住民票の写し)
After submission, health insurance card (=MEXT membership card) will be issued in a week.
5-2: Submit “Declaration of Tax Exemption for Dependents for Salaried Employee (fuyou koujyo shinkoku syo扶養控除申告書) “ in order to include your baby as your dependent family to get tax exemption.
【6. At local city, child care support division】
Make application for medical treatment subsidy for children. After health insurance card (MEXT membership card) has been issued, please bring it to city hall and apply for infant and child medical card(nyu youji iryou shou 乳幼児医療証).

By presenting this card at hospitals, medical treatment costs for mainly 0-6yrs old children will be maximum 1,000yen (500yen/day x twice) per month. In case treatment fee for a child exceeded over the amount in a month, local authority will cover the amount.
*Please note that ages of children and the amount covered will depend on the local government where you live.
*Bring application form, your ID, personal seal and health insurance card of yours and baby
*It can be sent by post to city hall.

◆ Lump-sum allowance for child birth ◆
As a member of MEXT mutual association or other social insurance schemes, the following will be paid for parents as subsidy for child delivery. It is paid from organizations to hospital directly unless you request for indirect payment.
◇Lump-sum allowance for child birth
(shussan ikuji ichiji kin 出産育児一時金)◇

  • At a hospital registered as members of obstetric insurance: 420,000yen
  • At a hospital other than above: 390,000yen
【After child delivery】
  • If total cost necessary for the delivery was over the subsidized amount:
    You need to pay exceeded amount from your own pocket.
  • If delivery cost was less than the subsidized amount:
    You will be able to claim refund of the balance between lump sum birth allowance and actual delivery expense through office below:

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