Thursday 26 June 2014

Child payment form

By the end of June, I had to go to my city hall to submit the Jidouteate- or child allowance form. The city sent me a letter with information, and the sample of what needs to be filled out (the rest was pre-filled). I then had to go to city office to submit it, along with a copy of Pi's hokenshou (Insurance card). I couldn't read enough of the Kanji, but went anyway as they are very friendly up there and were more than happy to help me :)

Here is what it all means for anyone else in the same situation:

1. Hanko (inkan)- the personal stamp that is used instead of a signature. The form is under my husbands name, so it was stamped with my husbands stamp, not mine.

 2. Income from transfer (of property, etc.) (Yes/No)

3. Number of dependent relatives and children 

(number of those eligible for elderly spouse deduction or dependent elderly relatives) In our case my 

husband has 2 dependents (My son and I)

4. Current income (income for year 20XX)- city hall told me this information.

5. Date submitted

And done! It was really quite simple, which was lucky as Pi was screaming most of the time...

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