Wednesday 11 June 2014


Like all new mums, I have been obsessing over that hold grail that is sleep. Constantly trawling websites, looking for the magic formula that will tell me how to get our baby to sleep for more than 2 hours at night. Much like the answer to the gas problem, the answer is 'time'.


But now, as we approach week 7, I have been hit with a whole new problem- my baby won't nap well during the day. I used to be able to get a solid hour out of him a few times a day; and after a magic day of him napping on Monday (he actually went to sleep in his bouncer several times), the last two days have been quite hellish. Maybe because I keep trying to get him to sleep in his bouncer (apparently, it was a fluke), but even when strapped to me, he wakes up after 10mins.

According to the internet (there is a troubled statement), infants should take naps 2-4 times a day, for 30mins to 2hrs at a time. I am worried that Pi hasn't been napping for very long (15mins or so), and I can see the dark little lines develop under his eyes. Lines that match my own, really. And him not sleeping is incredibly stressful to me, as I spend ALL DAY trying to put him to sleep, only to stop the crying for 10mins or so. Still, I am hoping that it is a phase, otherwise I will just have to adjust. I keep picturing his happy, smiling face and it makes it much better.

We have just started a bedtime routine, as of last night. I read that it can be started at 6-8weeks, and helps for the future. It is almost impossible to keep, as the time that Husband comes homes varies, and his naps are all over the shop. Basically, at 6:30 it is a quick bath, a song and a cuddle, boobies and then bed. It only worked for a short time last night, and I even put him in his own bed after struggling to get him to sleep (first in the bouncer, then in the high-low chair). We turned the baby monitor on, and after about 15mins, he woke up screaming, and quite inconsolable for a few hours. We will have to see what time he wakes up from his nap today to see if 6:30 is feasible, but hopefully it will start to set the ground work.

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