Tuesday 1 October 2013

10 week appointment

So off I went again to the doctors- still unsure if I should actually be there or not quite so early, but the doctor didn't seem to mind or care that I was there. The usual blood pressure/urine/weight check, and then off to see the doctor. I was surprised at yet another ultrasound, but everything is coming along well, and the baby is growing. The scans due date is the same as the doctor's, so maybe I can officially call it the 27/04/14. See if it changes.

The big difference about this visit was he finally wanted me to have a blood test. He said it was for glucose and a few other things, so I was happy to have the test for wellbeings sake. I asked him if this tests for downsyndrome, and he asked if I was worried and he will do a test after 15 week.  Now that I ahve gotten home, I have realised that they don't test for downsyndrome through blood, but through ultrasound, and now I am worried they will give me another one- or a CVS test which I really don't want)*note to self, do research before asking questions..... After the ultrasound, a sat in the corner and a nurse came over with a needle. But I told her that I often fall down (I didn't know the word for feint) and so she took me off to a room with a bed (a proper bed, with a duvet and everything) for the test. I felt a bit bad for causing trouble, but I have passed out after my last three blood tests, and I could feel the blood rush from my face a little bit, so it was probably better safe then causing a scene on the floor.

Though, when time came for the bill, I nearly fainted- because of the cost. The receptionist told me that it would be more expensive today because of the blood test... But it was 16200! Holy Moley! The worst thing was that I didn't bring my vouchers with me today, expecting it to be less than the the usual 4000 (because I didn't think I would see the doctor), and didn't want to waste my coupons. I think they might have only given me 3000 off anyway, so I suppose it is no biggie. But I was still shocked, and lesson learned. Not to mention an important wake up call about how much this baby will really cost. Still super happy to be pregnant, but I suppose I should enjoy the days of my shop bought frappuccinos while I still can.

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