Sunday 20 October 2013

13 Weeks

Some books say that today is the start of the second trimester. I am already feeling a lot more hopeful, and as long as I keep eating, the morning sickness mainly stays away. Hurrah! Hopefully some energy will come back soon and I will start exercising again. See how we go next week. Unfortunately, because I am so busy with work (the busiest teacher in my company), it means what little energy I have gets saved up for teaching.

Speaking of work. I finally told my boss yesterday. I was super nervous when I saw him, crazy heartbeat and everything, but felt much better after letting the cat out of the bag. He wasn't happy, as was expected, but he was expecting the news at some stage (after all, I did tell him it was on the cards during the recruitment process). He mentioned cutting down my hours, which would be great. However, the more he thought about it, the more it sounded like he wants to cut me down to part time. Certainly NOT great, with a baby on the way we will need all the money we can get. He also wants to take me off work earlier than the end of March. I was hoping to finish off the school year, but I would be happy to compromise with the end of Feb, or something, preferably mid March though. I have tried to look at what my rights are in Japan, but really can't find anything. I get the feeling he will (of coarse) do what is best for him. I will just have to try and have a firm voice and not agree with everything so easily, unless it is in my best interest. I suppose it is a bit harder when one is a children and adults English teacher- while the adult classes will be okay, the kids classes will be very difficult with a giant belly (on and off the floor). Though, if I got through them in the first trimester, surely I can do 8 weeks into the second/third...

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