Sunday 29 September 2013

10 Weeks

Another week down, and only 30 or so more to go. Yay. This week the nausea has been pretty mild, most of the time it is barely noticeable, but if I get hungry or smell something then sometimes I get a wave of an intense need to vomit. I am glad that it is week 10 already so there may only be a few more weeks before I start feeling normal. I am looking forward (kind of) to helping around the house a bit more too- and not needing my naps anymore (before this, I was severely anti-nap, but I can't get through the day without them most of the time.

Little baby is apparently officially a foetus, and her organs are starting to work already. It will be my endeavour to eat at least a little bit healthier this week, and exercise 4 times. I need to get back into it, I am just so tired and healthy food isn't the least appealing. Bread and fried potato, however, is most appealing.

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