Wednesday 23 October 2013

Japan labour Laws

So I phoned the labour office in Tokyo yesterday to find out a few rights for pregnant women. I thought it best to be prepared, rather than agree to something and fight it later. So the two things my boss mentioned were taking me to part time hours, and finishing me up early.

Part time hours- it is illegal to change an employee to part time hours, because they are pregnant, without their consent.

Finishing up before maternity leave starts- An employer can finish an employee before maternity leave starts, but then said employee will have to pay a maternity leave subsidy up until the government subsidy starts.

I will have to give them a call back on Friday, or another time to find out if I actually will be eligible for maternity leave and childcare leave payments, as if I finish up before the end of March, I wouldn't have been working a full year....

The branch in Tokyo offers services in English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Here are the details:

Information on Advisory Services for Foreign Workers

 Tokyo Labour Bureau, Labour Standards Department, Inspection Division

 Advisory services on working conditions both in English and Chinese are provided to the foreign
 workers in Japan as follows.

 Office : Tokyo Labour Bureau
 Labour Standards Department
 Inspection Division
 D a y s : Monday, Wednesday and Friday for English, Tuesday and Thursday for Chinese
 H o u rs : 10:00a.m.~4:00p.m. (except noon~1:00p.m.)
 Matters : General working conditions related to wages, dismissal, retirement,
 working hours, days off and others
 P h o n e : 03-3512-1612

* Please note that the day(s) may be changed. Confirm the above office and make an appointment before visiting.

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