Monday 28 October 2013

14 weeks

Well, now that the news is officially out there, this blog is too (it was private for the last few weeks). 14 weeks means that no matter which source you refer to, I am in the second trimester.

It was fun telling everyone and making the announcement. Family were called, close friends emailed, and facebook like this:

A New Hope: coming 27/04/2014

It made it all more real actually sharing the news with people. Nice to see people getting excited about it, and it's nice not to have to hide our own excitement.

I am already feeling like I have more energy (don't get me wrong, I could still nap) but I don't feel like I am going to collapse. The morning sickness is almost gone too. Now it is just if I get too hungry, or tired. Which is great news. I am getting a little bit of a belly (more baby than bread, I think), so it might only be another week or two before it looks like there is a proper baby in there. I am really looking forward to the next few months; such exciting times.

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