Tuesday 22 October 2013

13 weeks 3 days appointment

Off again I went. This time with a scheduled appointment, unlike the last few times where it is just a rock up. Today I filled out my coupon book, and another form which i believe has something to do with reparations if they screw something up. Not really sure, and I should start bringing these along to Japanese class, or to my friend to get them to help translate.

I did my usual BUW (Blood pressure, urine, weight), and found that I have gained 1.4kgs in the last 3 weeks. Not surprising really considering my appetite has come back, but still not into eating healthy foods quite yet (Though I am feeling better about them this week). So that puts me back to where I started, pretty much. 62.4kg (Though I started at 63.4). Not great, but the nurse didn't seem to mind and the doctor didn't say anything. I will just have to make healthier choices in the future- though exercising still seems like way too much effort at the moment.

The blood test results are back- It looks like he was testing me for a lot of STD's, and one of the first thing he said was. You don't have aids. Always great news, but as I forgot what I was being tested for, it was a bit out of the blues. All the usual was done, Hepatitis, rubella etc and all came back 'no problem', plus whatever else they were testing for was 'no problem'. I also found out my blood type- A+, always good to know.

The utrasound today was another internal, to my surprise. I was expecting external and to see the regular shot of the baby at 12 weeks, (plus, that is how they look for the Neural tube gap). Pi-chan has grown to 6.4cms, which is about double of 3 weeks ago (so maybe all the weight gain isn't just the bread). Before they did the ultrasound, he also did a clyamida swab. It makes me wonder if all Japanese women get these, or if it is just a 'she looks like a promiscuous Gaijin' thing. Probably the former, and better safe then sorry. I heard little Pi-chan's heartbeat too, which was a lot softer than I was expecting.

Today's appointment was 3000. i don't know if they used a coupon, as it is usually 4000, and it probably would have been more for the clyamidia test. Though, I didn't notice any coupons used. Ah well. They also gave me a cute little pouch for all my books and things, but because I am using the English boshi techo (mother and child handbook) it doesn't fit. A shame really.

In there was another book which the receptionist went through all the important pages- numbers to call in an emergency, a schedule of what happens in the week at the hospital, things to bring to the hospital, and a birthplan that needs to be given in at 36 weeks. All of this I will need translated, but I should get there in the end. :) I am just glad that requesting things is an option.

Hurray for another step forward...

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