Sunday 6 October 2013

11 weeks

Another week down- Yay! Nothing too exciting about week 11 so far (apart from the fact that i am a week closer to meeting the little one, of coarse). The nausea seems to be getting slightly better - though I wear seabands constantly, so I am not sure if it is those keeping them away (but I do feel worse when I take them off). This week I have been developing that weird taste in my mouth (Dysgeusia). Which really isn't very pleasant- but I would rather that than the tiredness or vomiting. My husband and I hope to climb a small hill this weekend, so it will be a good test of how much better I am doing, as last weekend when we were out shopping I felt quite bad (I am okay when I am not doing anything though).

My Japanese teacher totally guessed my pregnancy too. I didn't want to lie to her, so I fessed up but I felt a little bad afterwards as we have been keeping it a real secret (Hence why this blog is still private for a few more weeks). It does make me look forward to telling my boss next week though (not the telling, just the confessing), so that I can finally let the cat out of the bag. Luckily, being overseas and away from close friends makes it quite easy to keep it all a secret. Not long now :D

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