Sunday 13 October 2013

12 weeks

The internet can be a bad source of information. There is just so much information that sites regularly contradict themselves. Some sites claim that 10 marks the transition from an embryo to a fetus, some say 12. Some say 12 weeks marks the beginning of the second trimester, some say 13, or 14. Some say that week 12 is the 'safer' time, some say 13, or 14. The Japanese doctors say 20 weeks is the safe time (So I have heard from my pregnant Japanese friend). I suppose at the end of the day, I should just treat the pregnancy like they would have back in the days before countless books and the internet; keep healthy, and ride out the 40 weeks. I suppose it doesn't really matter if the baby is a fetus or an embryo, if I am in the second trimester yet or not, and as for safety- I really shouldn't be doing anything less safe (like going snowboarding, or eating raw fish), just because I am past magic line- it will still be bad for the baby. 

I mentioned my Japanese friend before (who doesn't know that I am pregnant, yet) who told me some interesting information from her doctor. She is very healthy- would run regularly and is the kind that rides bicycles up mountains, but her doctor told her she can no longer run. Back in Oz, it is known that if you did it before, you can keep doing it (just take it easier), but if you didn't run, then now is not the time to start. What surprised me wasn't the running though, she was also told she couldn't walk until 20weeks. I couldn't believe it! Everything I have ever read extols the virtues of walking (a brisk daily stroll), not to mention the Japanese doctors are so fanatical about not gaining too much weight. Obviously the doctors here still like the idea of the pregnant woman laying on her back for 40 weeks.

What can I take away from this- I think that maybe it's best not to ask the doctor any questions I may already know the answer to. Not that I don't trust all their information, but at the end of the day I am Australia, so I should probably do what it told for Australians. Also, I really should start walking again- and stop eating so much cake...

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