Sunday 22 September 2013

Week 9

I wish I would be writing more than what I will- but unfortuanately I have caught a cold. Let me tell you, a cold in the first trimester is not fun at all. Already are most women exhausted and nauseated, but put on the symptoms of a cold and it makes one feel horrible- especially not being able to take anything, or use anything to help it get better. It also doesn't help that I can't call in sick with me job (not without no doubt attracting a lot of negative attention and we don't get sick days anyway; welcome to Eikaiwa).

Usually when I get a cold I hit the home remedies like a mad man. I chew raw garlic (nice), drink tumeric and ginger powder in milk and take honey by the teaspoon. I started that for a day or two, but then I remembered that I might hurt the little pea by doing so, so I stopped it all quick smart- except for honey and lemon in hot water. I figure that it's better to be safe than sorry, so instead just tried to rest as much as I could and also take a metaphorical teaspoon of cement to harden up a bit.

I am certainly not looking forward to the countless times I will be sick over the next few months (pregnant women get sick for longer, and more often/easily) as I teach over 100 snotty students every week. I suppose I will just have to keep that cement handy :)

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