Saturday 14 September 2013

8 weeks

The 8 week mark is here! Yay! Sometimes time is flying, but sometimes is is really dragging. Morning sickness in the 7th week was terrible (worse than the 6th). I felt perpetually hungover the whole time, without the fun of the night before. So far I have not thrown up, just nausea that ranges from mild level *I wish I could crawl back into bed, and don't touch me* to a moment away from throwing up *Oh god, oh god*. Luckily my husband has been great, and either cooks dinner for us both, or just takes care of himself (usually we used to take it in turns). For many nights I only ate what I could- which wasn't much, and have been surviving on grapes and soft drink. Before pregnancy I wouldn't touch soft drink, but I found that a few mouthfuls of lemonade between classes has been what I need to stop me from passing out on the floor in front of my 2 yr old students.

Thankfully this morning I am feeling a little better (though last night at 3am I was about to throw up and had to eat a banana and suck on some queasy drops until I fell asleep). Hopefully if it is going to continue I would rather have a few days break every now and then. The good news is, every week that passes is a week closer to meeting the little one. And I have read that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy- yay!

I swear my figure has changed already- no bump, just wider hips- even though I haven't gained any weight, maybe I have lost a kilo or two though. I went out and bought a scale because I am still worried at being yelled at by my Japanese doctor if I gain the usual amount.

I also have just been looking at the clinic where I am booked into and it looks like there isn't rooming in with the baby. Gah! Not what I want at all. I mean, can you imagine going through morning sickness, pain and then the whole ordeal that is labour only to be separated from your baby for 7 days. I am going to wait until about the 15 week mark until I start pressure my doctor to do a few things the western way (like have the baby sleep in the room). The last thing that I want is to make an enemy of him this early in the game. I have heard that Kangaroo care is getting more and more common these days in Japan, so with any luck there might be other women that have requested rooming in and gotten their way.

I see my doctor on Wednesday (with husband this time- for probably his one and only visit thanks to his school festival this weekend). Let's hope all is going well and that DH will be able to meet the little pea.

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