Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sonogram- Week 8- kind of.

Today I went for my second appointment at the doctors- bright and early. Thanks to Japanese doctors/nurses efficiency it is a quick process that takes about 40mins or so. Blood pressure was taken with no problem, but then came to filling up the cup- problems... I had just been to the bathroom before I left (thinking that with a giant glass of water in me, I would need to pee again soon), however maybe it was performance anxiety, or just not enough time between bathroom visits, but I couldn't go more than I few drops. After I had decided I was keeping the line waiting too long (no doubt they were wondering just what the gaijin was doing in there) so I gave up and knocked on the window and told her that I went before I left and the I couldn't produce anything sufficient. Luckily for me, she said it was okay and then I had my weight taken (I have dropped about a kilo and a half- thanks to not wanting to eat anything) and the wait for the doctor.

Today my husband came with me, and I was so surprised when the nurses and doctor all said it was okay for him to come in to the ultrasound. I was shocked and was expecting to do a bit of begging- it was nice that I didn't though. After I got in, we realised why it was okay- there were two tv's. So DH (Darling Husband) waited where the doctor sits and watched, and I watched from the room whilst in the chair. It was nice that he got to see the heartbeat and the little baby on screen, which now looks more babylike due to the little arm and leg buds (it look just like Ponyo in his fishy stage). The doc said I am due April 27th, but the scan said May 1st, so we will see if that changes in my next scan.

I  now need to go to city hall (they didn't give me any piece of paper though) to register the pregnancy, so we will see how successful that is. I did ask the nurse if I needed a letter, and she said just to fill out the forms (obviously going with the Japanese system of trust). I will probably do it in two weeks as Monday is the only day that I have time, and next Monday is a public holiday (so the Monday after). I'll let you know how it all goes, but until then we have another great photo on the fridge. Yay.

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