Sunday 8 September 2013

7 weeks

Yesterday marked the seven weeks mark (can you tell I am counting) and I was super excited to pass yet another week. The only problem is that I don't really know what week I am on. Most websites will tell you that to work out your due date, you take your last period and go from there. The only problem is, it is based on a 28 days cycle. So what of us who have cycles that are about as accurate as meteorologists? My last few months have been (since coming off the pill)- 28, 28, 28, 32, 31, 39 days. Which means I have no idea just how pregnant I really am. I was able to get a positive test on day 34, but not sure how far along I really am. Either way, it really is only a difference of a week or so, and babies never come on time anyway. So for now I am going by the standard 28 day cycle count and maybe I'll adjust after week 15.

The good news is, I am definitely pregnant and I have a myriad of symptoms to keep reminding me so. The morning sickness has been around for about a week or so; to varying degrees. Only once have I actually felt like I might vomit. The other times come and go and basically feel like I am hungover, or on a boat. I did read that people who get motion sick (that's me) often get worse morning sickness, so I am waiting for the other shoe to drop right now. The only thing I can think of, is because I am used to feeling sick- a lot- my stomach might be used to it. Hopefully if it keeps it's current course then I will be able to manage and most importantly- manage work. I don't want to tell my boss until about week 14 and seeing as I teach little kids whose mums sit in the class (most who have young-ins of their own), they will probably know something is up if I run off to the bathroom mid class- and I am not ready to let the cat out of the bag quite yet. 

Next week I go back to the doctors for the 8 week scan (and hopefully get my proof of pregnancy slip so I can get my pregnancy registered and get cheaper doctors appointments). And by a fluke, DH has days off mid week (school festival on Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon) which means he might be see little akachan.
Talk about alien looking....

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