Monday 29 September 2014

Save our sleep routine for baby on solids until 6 months


Feed times
7 am
11 am
3 pm
6.20 pm

8 am
12 noon
5.20 pm

10.30 pm

Sleep times
9 am
1 pm
4.30 pm (possible nap)

Bedtime 7 pm 7 am

If your baby wakes before 7 am, delay her milk feed until 7 am as this will encourage your baby to sleep longer. Otherwise, wake your baby at 7 am and give her a milk feed.

8 am Give your baby breakfast. Feed your baby until she turns her head away. I recommend you give your baby two courses, one savoury and one sweet.

9 am Put your baby to bed awake and allow her to self-settle. This means without the help of you or a dummy.

11 am Give your baby her milk feed. This feed will start to get smaller as your baby gets older and is eating more solids.

12 noon Feed your baby two courses of solids, one savoury and one sweet.

1 pm Put your baby to bed awake and allow her to self-settle.

3 pm Wake your baby up and give her a milk feed.

4.30 pm If your baby has not slept well, you might want to encourage a nap in the car or pram. At about 6½ months your baby no longer needs this nap.

5.20 pm Feed your baby two courses of solids, one savoury and one sweet. If your baby is now skipping the nap at 4.30 pm, try giving solids at 5 pm to allow a bigger space before the milk feed.

 6 pm Bath your baby, or give top-to-toe wash.

6.20 pm Give your baby her milk feed. Your baby needs to finish this feed at least ten minutes before bedtime.

7 pm Put your baby to bed fully awake and allow her to self-settle.

10.30 pm Dreamfeed.

*Hall, T. (2011) Save our Sleep. Sydney, New South Wales: Pan Macmillan.

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