Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sleep training, training... kinda- Day 1

So, I have been humming and harring about sleep training again- I believe my last thoughts on the matter were to wait until 6 months. I still feel that way, with sleep training semi-booked in for mid October (there is a three day weekend so DH will be home to help and Pi will almost be 6 calender months). Until then, I have been reading lots of books, including the no-cry sleep solution, and lots of online articles from the 'secret of the baby whisperer' (I have ordered the book, just awaiting it's arrival). For the last week I have started getting desperate again, which I why I 'reopened' the idea of sleep training sooner. We had a bad night of him waking up constantly (he already normally wakes 5+times a night), but this time he refused to go to sleep- or stay asleep- unless he was nursing. I figure I have created bad habits. So, once again I hit the research and it has led me onto four basic paths.

There seem to be 4 grades of sleep training:

Fading: where the sleep aid is gradually taken away, results take between 3 weeks - 3 months.

Pick up/Put down- Pick up the baby when he cries until he is comforted, put down the baby; repeat each cry. The baby is able to fuss on their own, though. You can choose to leave a hand on them to soothe them, or leave the room (whichever works best for baby)

Controlled crying- going in to the baby at intervals, but gradually staying away for longer periods of time.

Crying it out- leaving the baby to cry until he works out what to do (many people say that they don't really learn to self soothe though, instead just to accept you aren't coming back).

In October, Pi will be just shy of 6 months and we will try the 'pick up/put down'. I don't think I could do controlled crying, or crying it out. It already breaks my heart when he cries (Probably why I don't get much sleep, I am too soft).  They do say that controlled crying/crying it out should only be used after the baby is 6 months anyway.

I still don't mind nursing him during the night, but once or twice would be far more preferable to 5+ times. So, in the meantime while the clock ticks closer to October, I have started 'fading'. Basically at the moment Pi uses my nipple or thumb as a pacifier, and he needs that to sleep. I am trying to get him to use his own thumb. I think it is a kinder teaching method.

Last night I without my thumb for as long as possible- turns out, I could for the entire time! There was a bit of grumbling, but no tears and not really crying, and he eventually put himself to sleep. I think in about 20 mins. I lay down next to him and sang 'twinkle twinkle' (I have been singing that every time he goes to sleep for months, and only at sleep time), and shushed and patted/rubbed his back/belly. I couldn't believe it worked.  During the night he only woke up 4 times. I nursed him back to sleep 3 of those times, and used my thumb for one of them. I don't know if he is hungry, or not, but I figure until 6 months I don't want to withhold food.

I decided that from now on, I would have Pi nap in his crib (when possible). So for this morning's nap, I did the same; and success! He still only slept for his 30 mins, but I figure one step at a time. After all, he only sleeps for 30 mins in his bouncer, usually.

His next nap took about 20 mins for him to go down, and he slept for 25 mins. There were a few crocodile tears, but he didn't get super upset like he does. He did wake up from this one really upset though. Which is unlike him. I think because I tried to extend his awake time (to 2 hours) so he was super tired (I won't do that again, or not until official training begins). Or maybe he wanted to get to the next sleep cycle. I tried to help him back to sleep- first with my thumb, (no luck) then with feeding him (He calmed and had his eyes closed). I don't think of it as a big regression though, as my main aim is to teach him to fall asleep by himself.

His third nap only took 10 mins to get down, and some whines, but down without too much fuss. He slept for 30 mins and woke up screaminhg again. Not sure if it is because he woke up alone, he wanted to sleep longer, or if it was because he was on his belly. I think it was on his belly as he can cry during the night if that happens.

His fourth nap took 30 mins to go down. He was scratched on his nose right as the start- so bad he bled! So he as quite worked up because of that, and because he was so tired today. I think putting him to sleep is weairng him out a bit...It's wearing me out. That nap lasted

His fifth nap (he has so many as he sleep for 30mins) took,, and lasted for 45mins. At about the 20-25min mark I went in and rolled him from his tummy back onto his side (I tried to roll him onto his back, but he just wouldn't budge). Maybe that was what helped him to sleep a little longer. Maybe not Either way, he woke up crying again, even though he wasn't on his belly. Maybe it is just waking up in a new place without me there. I hope he gets use to it.

Sleep that night was surprisingly the same as the night before. About 20mins to go down (he is starting to fight it a bit more, maybe he knows he is on his own). He slept until 10pm, then up again at 12, 2, and 5. I fed him at 10, 2 and 5 as I am trying for him to go at least 3 hours without food. Otherwise his nappy gets too full.

I'll keep logging his 'fading' progress here. I figure it's a nice way to get him prepared for a bit more of a strict routine. now is a good time too, he as passed the regression, but doesn't have separation anxiety which pops up around 6 months. I don't want to withhold his sleep aids, just give him the chance to learn to soothe and sleep on his own. After all, if I never give him the chance, how will he learn.

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