Friday 26 September 2014

Sleep training, training... kinda- Day 3

Last night, he slept so much better.

After he went down around 7, he woke up just three times until he was 'awake' for the day at 6:30am. Because he only woke 3 times, I fed him all the times (10pm, 1:30am, 4:30am). Every time I lay him down he went straight back to sleep too. Also, at the start of the night he woke up 30 minutes in and cried for 4 cries and then settled himself. Miracle!!! Obviously we have a long way to go.

I was bad today, without realising, and cheated with his first nap. It was only an hour after wake up, and I was still sleepy and in bed watching him play, so when he started rubbing his eyes, I took him into my bed, in my arms and gave him my thumb to help him sleep. I didn't think it was that bad a thing to do, but for his second nap he REALLY fought going down. I think I need to be consistent for his sake. I kind of messed him around a bit too, as I went out for a very long lunch (longer than we intended) with friends. He was such a champ though. I am so proud!

Here is roughly what his day looked like. I didn't put in activity times, but always do things with him from one nap to the next.

6:30- wake and feed
7:50-8:25- nap in my arms
9;20- feed
10:25-10:50  nap in crib. 18 minutes to go down, lots of crying, but no rage crying. Picked him up 4 times to calm him.
11:40- feed
12:40-1:15- nap in pram while at a restaurant.
1:40- feed
3:40-3:45- car (One minute he was awake, the next he wasn't. The interesting thing is I had been rocking him in his pram while I was talking to friends for at least 20 mins and he didn't sleep. Then in the car and he was playing with his book and then 2 minutes later he was fast asleep.)
4-5- (I tried to extend his car nap by putting him in his crib and giving him my thumb. That didn't really work, so I took him downstairs and bounced him in his bouncer. He had at least 45 mins that way).
5pm- feed
7pm- sleep.

He went down really quickly and without fuss- I think about 10 mins, but maybe less. In fact, by the time I put him in his crib he was already sucking his thumb. I stayed with him until he was almost asleep, but with my hand off of him, and then left the room when his eyes were more closed than they opened. He even rolled onto his belly about 10 mins in but after a cry or two, settled himself.

Success in putting him to bed, I think!

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