Thursday 18 September 2014


So, I had kinda disappeared for a while there. Sorry! First, it was dealing with all that grizzles during the wonder week (ahem, I mean month and a bit), and also I had my mum and dad come to visit.
I am glad to report that the wonder week- or at least the fussy part of it is over. Yay! The sleep regression, however, continues.
He is getting a little bit better, doesn't put himself to sleep like he did, but the outright screaming is lessening. Though now, thanks to the wonder week, he can roll (both ways), but can't roll from stomach to back; so when he wakes up on his tummy, he cries... a lot. I am yet to time how long he sleeps for- I was doing every feed, every sleep for about 15days, but stopped it a few weeks ago- but I think he sleeps for about 4, then 3, then 2, then 1, then 30, then 30, then 30. I really would love it if he would start to sleep through or wake up only once or twice, but Pi is growing so well that I can't be upset (I can be tired though, right). In fact, while I have a crappy sleeper (night time and naps), I have a little boy with the sweetest personality. I am so lucky.

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