Thursday 25 September 2014

Sleep training, training... kinda- Day 2

Little Pi woke up at 6:30 again today. Maybe it is because he is sleeping a little bit more at night. (3-2-2-3-1.5hrs in a row). I changed him and dressed into his day clothes at 6:30, but I was still tired to I brought him back to bed to play with his mobile. While that only lasted for a little bit, he was still rubbing his eyes so I thought it might be time for him to have more sleep too. I held him, and gave him my thumb, just as he wasn't settling without help, and I didn't want to stress him out too much.
He ended up getting another 40mins or so, I think, and so did I. Magic!

6:30- Awake
7:15-7:50- Nap in bed with me
8 am - feed
9:55-10-50- sleep (protest cries/fussing for 20mins) did it on his own. He still woke up cranky though.
11:13- feed
1:05-1:25 sleep (in pram while we went shopping, fell asleep with white noise and rocking in 3 mins)
2:00- feed
3:30-4pm sleep (small cries/ fussing for 25 mins) did it on his own- he was probably over tired too as he was almost falling asleep in the car.
4:55- Feed (he was so grumpy getting to this feed though, but happy as Larry after)
6:50- Bed- Took about 20mins to get down. Lots of 'mantra crying' with some sad little tears. He got there though, all by himself again.

I really hope he gets use to putting himself to sleep. It's hard to watch him not have fun, but I think it is a great skill for him to learn.  The biggest problem at the moment is he wakes up crying in his crib. Not sure if it is because I am not there, because he is hungry, or still tired. Or maybe he is just not use to it yet. Lets hope it's a phase.

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