Sunday 30 March 2014

36 Weeks

Just a short one this week. 36 weeks is great! I am getting all that little bit closer. I finished work on Saturday so am officially on 'maternity leave'. I have the inverted commas as technically I am not really. My company doesn't have a policy on leave, so it is more that my contract didn't get renewed from April. We are calling it maternity leave, because my boss wants me back in the future. I suppose now I have the title of housewife until Pi comes along. Not that I am being very housewifey lately.

I am really happy that I finished work with no issues either. I was certain that I was going to have a pregnancy related issue- either vomiting at work, or the baby kicking me in the bladder suddenly, or my water breaking (most women finish work at 34 weeks here).

Spring has finally come. I think it is about 20 degrees today, and it is magic. I am sitting on the top balcony (wishing it was bigger though) and watching the waves roll in, and the cherry blossom trees sway in the breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. It's magic.

As for the pregnancy- all is going well. The heartburn has eased off in the last few days, which is nice. I am still as tired as ever, but at least now I have the luxury of napping in the day if I want to.

We thought, given baby is full term next week that we should look at getting the hospital bag ready. Luckily in Japan we only need to bring a few things:
Mother and child hand book
Clinic card
Post-partum corset
5 gauze hankercheifs (have already bought)
5 face sized towels for breastfeeding (have already bought)
nursing bra

Most I have, but the corset, grannypants and nursing bra I still needed to get. The corset was difficult to choose, as I had no idea what size I would need after pregnancy. I went for the large, hoping that I can take it back if it is too small, or too big. The underpants they mean are hideous granny pants, with ruffled elastic. Needless to say I bought a threepack for 1000yen so I can throw them promptly in the garbage after I no longer need them. The maternity bra was a bit of a find. I was really worried about buying one before birth, as I wouldn't know what size I would end up being after I the milk comes in. Then I found what looks like nursing bra crop tops. They had a two pack for 1000yen as well, so I snatched them up, knowing that if I only use them for a few weeks until things settle down it is no big waste. The only problem is that they are racerbacks, which are a little uncomfortable. I will probably pack the bag today, as well as put in a few other things that I bought. It's all coming together now...

Week: 36
Baby bump: Nice and big. It's easy for people to notice that I am pregnant now.
Movement: A lot less movement, which still has me worried, but now I am trying not to stress.
Complaints: Niggles here are there, but nothing I will complain about. Especially while sitting in the sunshine.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchasesGranny pants, a corset, nursing bras, a pair of 'room wear' type pants for comfort and a men's chequered shirt that buttons for easy feeding and comfort...

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