Monday 24 March 2014

35 weeks

35 weeks is a great week in terms of development. Apparently, Pi's kidneys and liver is functioning- which is great news for health on the outside. This week I have an appointment as well as a hospital tour, which I am looking forward to. As you can probably guess, I have decided to go down the natural birth route. For many reasons, really, but mainly that it is the way that it is done over here, and from what I have been reading, the less medical interventions that happen, the better. Now I just need to translate my birth plan. I really should do that today...

Not much is new in the Pregnancy. It's my last week of work this week- yay! I can't wait to not have to worry about make up, or class preparation. Luckily, I have finished most of my child classes now, so it is mainly adults. I have been sleeping terribly. All of last night I was up every two hours needing to Pee. Needless to say, I am very tired today. The heartburn has been getting worse too. Only 5 more weeks though. I am really looking forward to it, especially having our baby with us, instead of inside me.

Week: 35
Baby bump: I can't wait for full time tracksuit pants.
Movement: Lots of Braxton Hicks and hiccups, but a lot less movement, which has me a little worried.
Complaints: Heartburn and terrible sleep.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchasesSome photo frames for the nursery

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