Tuesday 11 March 2014

33 weeks and appointment

Pichan is growing well and is about 2kgs now. I can't believe there is less than 7 weeks until the due date. It is coming by really, really fast. Sometimes I am confident about giving birth, and sometimes, not so much. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a time issue which keeps me flip-flopping. If I want an epidural, I need to notify them by next week. The problem is, I have no idea how I will cope, nor how this labour will actually be. Unlike in Australia, where you can pretty much make the decision up until the point of the head emerging, here it is all or nothing. Not being able to have the choice at the time is what is making me so nervous.

As for Pichan, our appointment went well. The blood results from last week came back with 'no problems'. This week they also took some swabs for Strep B. I was glad I had read about all that in my baby book, because then it was much easier to translate what he wanted to do and why. The receptionist also told me about the direct payment system that they have, where the health insurance pays the hospital the bonus of Y420,000 directly. The only thing is, because it is an expensive hospital, I need to bring Y200,000 extra to the next appointment which will cover any extra medical services (hopefully I get change).

 During this appointment I also signed up for the Angel Memory that I think I have spoken about before. There was a few terms and conditions to read out, of which I probably got about 30%. Then I was issued with a card to give the doctor every time I want him to do it. I think, after the initial payment for the card, the service might be free. I will confirm it next time- but if it's true I wish I would have known about it weeks ago. It is so nice to see little sleeping Pichan, or moving Pichan.

Here is the video:

As for the rest of the baby preparing, I have washed all of Pichan's clothes and blankets (they are so small). I have heard that shops spray clothes with a chemical to keep them looking nice. I figured it was better safe than sorry, and so washed them in the special baby laundry wash that I bought at babies 'r' us in Japan to keep the chemicals away from Pi. I am still working on decorations to make it look more like a babies room and can't wait until it is all done.

Week: 33
Baby bump: I am at the stage where I am stealing my husbands clothes for comfort.
Movement: Lots of Braxton Hicks and digs up under the ribs.
Complaints: This week it has been all about heartburn.. Thank goodness for Tums.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: Nappy bag, changepad cover, a changetable storage organiser and a set of pacifiers (all from amazon.com).

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