Monday 17 March 2014

34 weeks

The belly has finally expanded, and is now often bordering on uncomfortable (I think things are getting uncomfortable in there for Pichan too). 34 weeks has seen the return of being dead tired, bad heartburn, shinsplints and middle of the night insomnia-I fall asleep okay, but I wake up several times a night for no reason and can take a while to get back to sleep. I have heard it is a way of one's body preparing for the baby, but I think that is just a nice story. My body is swelling a little, so I will be glad to get off my feet (not that I teach on my feet most of the time) to help with circulation when I go on 'Maternity leave' (really, my contract is not being renewed). Plus, the extra weight from Pichan is starting to mildly hurt my hips and legs.

Wow, I am sounding awfully complain-y. I can see why the second trimester is considered the best, but I am lucky that I am only just starting to get uncomfortable now, and not weeks ago. Pichan is moving less at the moment, I think due to cramped quarters, but still is moving often enough. We went to Tsujido mall yesterday to the H&M store there and bought some pants (not sure if it will be cold enough for pants- but I didn't like the idea of not having any pants should it get a little cold). We also picked up the cutest little raccoon outfit (onesie with a cute raccoon and striped pants and a matching 'eared' hat). I am now in love with H&M baby and will be buying most of our baby clothes in the future from there. It's so easy to spend money on Pichan though, so I must be careful.

I am looking forward to 35 weeks, as I have read that most babies born from then onwards are perfectly healthy. Only another week to go until then, and 6 weeks until I am at 40 weeks. Yay. I am reading pregnancy books, but need to read more/faster. So much to read and so little time. Maybe that is my cue to get off the internet...

Week: 34
Baby bump: I am now running into doorways if I am not careful.
Movement: Lots of Braxton Hicks still and the occasional expanding of my belly at Pichan moves position.
Complaints: Heartburn, shinsplints, insomnia, exhaustion.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchasesTwo pairs of pants, a newborn raccoon outfit (H&M Japan) and some more burp cloths (100yen store)- I hear you can't have too many.

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