Tuesday 25 March 2014

35 Week clinic visit

Today was an expensive visit- 4700 (after the 3000 discount). All the usual was checked, blood pressure, weight (I have only gained 15gms in the last 2 weeks) and urine test. Then the doctor did the ultrasound and all was fine. He did say Pi has a big nose though. I am hoping it is in comparison to Japanese babies. Gah...

Lately, Pi's movements have been few and far between, and yesterday it got me a little worried. So after the appointment, I told the doctor that baby hasn't been moving much, and asked if I should be worried- but obviously my Japanese was crap, because the question seemed to confuse the hell out of him. Maybe they don't have a minimum movement per few hours or so over here (back home, I think it's about 10 times per hour, or something). Over here they have never informed me of what to watch out for.

After the ultrasound, they took a blood test (not sure what for), and also did a non stress test. I couldn't tell whether the non stress test was done because of the question about not moving much, or if it is routine at 35 weeks. I think because of the question though.

The non stress test consisted of being hooked up to a machine with two sensors around my waist (see picture below), and given a button to push when baby moves. I was a little worried it wouldn't be effective because Pi had already moved a lot before the ultrasound so I figured baby might be asleep, but luckily there was still a bit of movement. Maybe I just need to pay closer attention. They took blood at the same time, which wasn't nice (especially as it was from my left arm, and in a weird place). The non stress test wasn't painful, obviously, but it was really stressful. Pi's heartbeat was about the 160bpm, but a few times it shot past 180bpms, and right at the end it dropped all the way down to 80ish, which caused a small alarm to sound, and then the nurse to get the doctor. So now I am worried about Pi's heart. But maybe it's normal.
Either way, afterwards the doctor said the baby is fine, so that is something.

I am feeling really overwhelmed by my lack of Japanese skills today. During the non stress test, the nurse wanted me to fill out a form, and she asked if I could read Kanji, to which my answer was- not really- and then if my husband was Japanese, which he isn't... After a bit though, another nurse came, who helped me with my medical history right at the start of the pregnancy and filled out the form with me, which was really lovely. They also wanted another emergency contact in Japan- so I had to give a friends number, but felt really awkward doing so.

I paid the 200000 deposit for the hospital stay- but she told me something in Japanese which I didn't quite get, and usually I would have gotten her to repeat it, but it was so noisy and I didn't want to take up too much of her time. I figure that it was about getting the refund of the deposit back once I am out of the hospital, and that it will probably be explained later, otherwise I can ask. I also signed up for the class tomorrow.

Today's visit took about 2 hours though, which is one of the longest so far. From now on, the doctors visits are every week...

Baby Pi-

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