Sunday 2 March 2014

32 weeks

I am officially in the 9th month of pregnancy in Japan- which sounds so much more impressive than being 8 western months pregnant. Either way, baby will come out when baby is ready.
Finally buying up the last of everything. I think I have all on the list that is needed. Though, I do think the only things a baby really needs is a few basic outfits and boobies, but where is the fun (or debt) in that.
A hospital bag will have to be packed soon, but luckily I really don't need to bring anything from home- they provide it all at my clinic. Only a few burp cloths, and a change of underwear. Nice and simple. Mind you, I will probably still pack a lot of different things in my bag.
I am still getting bigger and bigger each week- still not huge, but my bump is starting to get in the way and uncomfortable. The braxton hicks are getting more frequent, too.
Yesterday, I was out with Husband when they wouldn't stop. After about an hour and a half of it, we ended up heading home so I could lay down because they were getting bad. I have heard they often come with dehydration (which I wasn't) and can stop with a change of positions. Two hours later, they were still coming every 2-3 mins, about 50 seconds in length. As always, we looked on the internet for a clue and everywhere was written- "if you get more than 4 in an hour, speak to your healthcare professional". I was having four in 10 minutes, but I really didn't want to make a call or go to the clinic (especially as I was already in my pyjamas, and I wanted to communicate effectively, and I didn't have any other signs of labour). I remembered my sister in law telling me about an emergency midwife number at her hospital in Australia, so I found it and gave them a call. The midwife thought it was odd, but as long as there were no other signs of labour, she said to hold off and that it might be an irritable uterus, but keep an eye on it. It was reassuring hearing someone not being concerned (she was very nice though, so it wasn't like she didn't care- she was quite happy and surprised to be speaking to someone in Japan).
They continued on for a while, but I decided to try and ignore them, lest I be creating the problem in my head. Eventually they slowed down to the usual one or two per hour.  While I was looking up all about Braxton Hicks, I found this great table from Kidspot which I thought I would share:

True labour or false labour?

ConsiderationTrue LabourFalse Labour
Contractions RegularIrregular
Time between contractionsCome closer togetherDo not get closer together
Contraction intensityIncreasesDoesn't change
Location of contractionEntire abdomenVarious locations or back
Effect of anasthetic or pain reliveresWill not stop labourSedation may stop or alter frequency of contractions
Cervical changeProgressive cervical changeNo cervical change

Week: 32
Baby bump: Starting to bump the bump when I underestimate the amount of space I need.
Movement: Lots of Braxton Hicks.
Complaints: I am going to put down braxton hicks here too.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchasesBreastmilk bags and some waterproof sheets for the crib. 

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