Wednesday 10 December 2014


Winter in Japan is dry. Gettin' zapped every time one touches the car, dry.
Last year, in preparation for baby, we bought a humidifier and used it a lot at first when Pi came home from the hospital. Then summer hit; no humidifier needed- no, really. Then I started using it a bit but it had a funny 'moldy' smell to it, so I stopped until I had the time to investigate properly.

Today I finally did and I couldn't see any mould, however there was a bit of red discolouration. Needless to say, the whole thing got a good scrub and then I learned from the internet that it should be scrubbed after every use. My word, who has time for that.

That is my biggest problem with buying things in Japan. Most of the time I can figure out how to work them, but things like 'manufacturer's instructions' are completely ignored.

Thankfully, the smell seems to be gone. I also thought I would add a bit of tea tree oil in there now that Pi is a bit older, to help kill any germs in there, or in the air.

Now his room smells like home.

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