Tuesday 2 December 2014


I never would have thought that I would look forward to doing the washing.

Pi, it seems, gets bored so quickly. When we go out he is a little angel (mostly), but when we are at home he gets so fussy because he is bored. I can't blame him either. I never have the TV on, and it's not like he has facebook or emails to check. Our house is (while sizeable for Japan), small with only a few rooms (2LDK), which can all be toured and explored in about 15 mins. Which means that after he has played with his toys, he is bored.

I try to take him for walks and all, though it is getting colder these days and worry about him freezing as he likes to kick his blanket off of him.

Though, when Mummy does her chores- doing the dishes, and especially washing the clothes- he loves to watch and keeps him entertained for a while. He used to love watching me cook, but not so much these days. It does mean that the clothes are washed more like how Japanese people wash their clothes (once a day, or two), whereas we used to wait until the weekend and do a megaload.
Too bad he really hates the vacuum cleaner these days, otherwise the house would be spick and span.

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