Monday 1 December 2014

And we're off!

As of Sunday, Pi started army crawling. We discovered he could do it while I was giving him tummy time on the carpet at Husband's school (he had an event on Sunday). He started motoring. forward, pulling himself along and pushing with his leg. Later that night during 'nudie' time (I give him nudie time every night to help prevent nappy rash and air out the 'bits') he could pull himself along. Now he can even do it fully clothed and on the hardwood floors.

It looks super awkward, and not 'proper' crawling, but he can get around... Which means he can get into things and I need to keep the house cleaner.... yay, and *sigh* for cleaning...

I wonder if real crawling comes soon, or if he will just army crawl until he walks.

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