Thursday 14 November 2013

Quad Test (Quattro test)-

So last time I posted that I was offered, and refused the Quad test. My reasons for refusing at the time were mainly financial (not sure how much it would cost), and also not wanting to freak out over results. After I wasn't given an NT scan at 13 weeks, I had accepted that it was no use worrying about all the things that could be wrong with any baby and to leave it in the hands of little Pi-chan.

That night, DH and I sat down and had a long talk. He was very pro getting the test, mainly for his own reasons, however I was hesitant; What would we do if it came back with challenging news? It took me a long time to come to the decision, but was easy in the end, that no matter what, it wouldn't change anything. DH also eventually came to the same conclusions, but never the less, we decided that the test would either put our minds at ease, or help us prepare for the future. Besides, it doesn't hurt little Pi-chan because it is just drawing my blood, unlike other tests.

It seems as though my clinic only offers the test between week 15-16, and seeing as I am 16 weeks, 5 days, we hopped to it and off I drove again to the next town. Unfortunately, the wait this morning was a long one. After being there for an hour (I was number 14, and they were just calling number 7), I had to leave to go to work. I went back to the receptionist to hand in my number, but luckily she tried her best to accommodate me, first seeing if I could come back today, or tomorrow (but as I am working my 12 hr days) it wasn't a possibility until Monday- which I got the feeling that it was too late. Either way, she said I would be the next after the next, but after she got the point that I really had to go, they asked me to wait and that I would be the next person.

The doctor went through a form that was kind of scary, one that he couldn't really translate, but I got the idea that it was a disclaimer saying that these things are more of a guide than anything else. Then another form with three questions- Do I have diabetes, are there any problems with brothers or sisters children, and I forget the last question. He told me he will call me with the results in 7-10days. Then, it was just a matter of getting blood drawn (which I think was only one vial, and super quick), and then handing over the 18000 and off on my way to make it just in time for class. The only real regret is about spending the money (which could have bought a crib), but if it helps us in the future I am sure we will think differently.

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