Sunday 3 November 2013

15 weeks

The great news about 15 weeks, or close to it, as my energy has been returning (not in crazy amounts, but much better than the dead by 11am feeling I had), and my morning sickness is just about gone. Yay. This week marks another cold for me, and I really was wanting to start exercising again this week. Unfortunately, with a combination of teaching young children, and a lowered immune system because of pregnancy, I am ill once again.
Hopefully a bit of rest will set me right, and maybe 16 is the lucky number for exercising...

In other news this week. My boss came to a temporary decision about my working hours (against his liking though). After we announced my pregnancy to the staff at the last staff meeting, I made it pretty clear to everyone that we are still discussing the hours at work thing. Afterwards, he mentioned putting me on part time- to everyone (which is definitely not what I want), however I remained stoically silent on the matter to let him know I wasn't going to go along and agree with whatever he said. Later that day, he told me he would be cutting my hours from 25, to 21 (which is what most of the male staff already have, some only have 18hrs- it's just that I am the only female that my schedule is overloaded), but obviously that would keep me at full time salary. He then mentioned that we would review in a few months about putting me on part time. Again, not want I want, so nothing but silence from me. I think he might be getting the point that I am not going to budge super easily. At this point I don't know which classes will be cut, or when it will take effect, but hopefully if it gives me a bit more time to rest then it will be really valuable in the future. I am really happy that he came through in the end. It's just a shame that Japan is so far behind in maternal rights, otherwise I would have never had to fight this mini battle.

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