Tuesday 12 November 2013

16 week check up.

Off I went again, this time with little traffic so I arrived nice and early and was the first patient in there. After receiving my number card, I went and got my blood pressure, urine and weight. Usually I write down my blood pressure but because I was the only one, it happened so quickly that I didn't get a chance.

I am happy to say that my weight isn't as crazy as it could have been. I think it was about 1.4kg gain, which isn't so bad over three weeks (by Australian standards it is right on track), and hopefully when the last of this cold goes then I will start walking again and not pack on the kilos so quickly.

Today, I had a nice surprise when he put me on the table for an external ultrasound. The nurse covered me up with a blanket, and then undid my pants (I was thinking that I could handle that part). He got the doppler out first thing, and this time I could hear Pi's heartbeat really loudly. The the doctor took lots and lots of measurements. The things he pointed out was the head, the abdomen, the thigh bone, the left hand and the spine. It wasn't what I expected at all. I always see the classic ultrasound shots of the baby, side on, head to toe so you can see all of the little baby. This was just parts, except for the spine shot, then I got to see Pi-chan with a head and half a body. Which made me happy.  The doctor also took the weight of the baby, which was 104grams. After which, he gave me tissues to clean myself up, and then he said, "now, internal".

Yep, they are really ultrasound happy. Not quite sure why I needed an external and internal, all he had a look at was the head and then that was it. Wipe off the lube and get dressed again, really. After, he said that they could do the Quattro test if I still wanted (do you remember an earlier post about my NT scan question, and he said he can test me from 16-18weeks). Well, it turns out the test he was talking about was a Quattro, not any of the needle in the baby tests. Worried about the costs, I said no and he seemed happy by the answer, agreeing that it is 'normal pregnancy' not necessary. He told me to come back in three weeks, where a different technician will take lots of different measurements. It is kind of reassuring to know that they do monitor everything carefully.

I wasn't going to ask him about finding out the sex of the baby, but when he asked if I had any questions and I forgot the important question I wanted to ask so I enquired when (in Japan) we could find out the gender (I have read countless times it is 30 weeks). To my pleasant surprise he said "today there was a thigh bone, but next time". Wow! Maybe we can find out early. I would love that!!!

Between finding out the sex early, and offering the Quattro test (which I don't know if I will take) I am really starting to love my doctor and my clinic.

Today's visit cost: 1000yen (with the vouchers)

I thought I should mention the Quattro test is called the
母体血清マーカー or クアトロテスト or  ( Botai kessei mākā (kuatorotesuto) )
 My clinic offers it for $180.

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