Monday 18 November 2013

17 Weeks

17 weeks and  I am feeling great. More importantly, I think I am feeling Pi-chan. It's so hard to tell at this stage but there were little flutters (which I thought might be food), and this morning at Japanese lessons there were more little flutters- that surely wouldn't be food related this time.
I am starting to get really hungry these day. I still am not eating as well as I should, but hopefully I will get my arse into gear soon. I am gradually having more salads, and munching on carrot sticks so it is a big improvement from a few weeks ago.

Speaking of Japanese lessons; for the first time I thought that I might ask my teacher to help translate Kanji. I was trying to buy car insurance, so copied some unknown Kanji into my Japanese book. Then I also wanted to know one of the Kanji that was in the birth plan book that the clinic gave me. I managed to find all of the other Kanji, and I thought being the first Kanji on the list that it would be fairly innocuous.... Well, she read it and gave me a little look; kind of an amused, questioning glance. Then she said the Japanese word for medicine... Well, I then looked it up in my dictionary and the word was enema (kanchou)... No wonder she gave me a look. It worked out well though as I was looking for a good opening to tell her that I am pregnant, and then it made a lot more sense to her. She was also happy too.

Funnily enough, I have heard the word Kanchou on a regular basis... I am sure all the other Japanese teachers in Japan have had to guard their rectum at some stage which kids try to stick their fingers up there, while yelling "Kanchou".... 

Ahh, Japan.

Week: 17
Baby bump: Tiny, but getting there
Movement: Maybe little flutters... Let's hope.
Complaints: Nope- I am going to not complain for a week...
Maternity clothes: None yet, but I am starting to need it. I had to change into my Fat jeans on the weekend... Which I haven't worn for a year....

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