Sunday 10 November 2013

16 Weeks

It's so funny to think how slowly the weeks were going when I first found out that I was pregnant, but now they feel like they are flying. Which is fantastic!!! 16 weeks must be a good number for me, because though I am still getting over my cold, I barely feel nauseated at all. Yay! I even stopped wearing my sea sickness bands which hadn't left my wrists (save for sleeping and showering) since they arrived in the mail. I do have an appointment this week, and when I jumped on the scales the other day it looks like I have gained at least 2 kgs in the last three weeks. Gahhh! So I am curious (and a little apprehensive) to be weighed on the doctor's scales to see just what the damage is- it might be worse.

My clothes are getting just that little bit tighter. I ordered some belly bands from ebay a few weeks ago, so I am really hoping they get here soon. Otherwise I might have to visit a baby store, otherwise i'll run out of clothes to wear for work. Sometimes I feel that my bump is impressive, and other times I feel like it is non existent, which makes me think that it maybe be more food than bump still. Sad face.

I am also always surfing the net for maternity clothes, and sometimes find some great clothes and instantly want to buy, but the shipping to japan can sometimes be 5 times that of the item. Soon I will have to bite the bullet and order some though, because shipping is usually quite a few weeks and Japanese maternity clothes look more like sacks that are used to cover your shame. Maybe I will have to end up buying a few sacks, though at this stage I am more tempted to raid the men's department at uniclo. They don't really have sexy-chic clothes to highlight the best features of being pregnant (heaven forbid) anyway and from what I have seen they are even seriously lacking in some plain of casual business type formal wear. I was reading the other day that many Japanese women quit their job in the second trimester, and I have never seen a heavily pregnant woman working before. My student is also newly pregnant (she is 32), and works a part time (5 hours, 3 days a week) receptionist job, and she is quitting in the second trimester. I asked her why, and she said because of the late nights (she finishes at 9pm some nights). Gosh knows what Japanese society will think of me- doing 12 hr days and getting home from work at 10:30pm most nights. Mind you, if I could avoid the 12 hr days and late nights, I would, but it comes with the job; so it's either work it, or quit. Wouldn't it be nice to be pregnant in a pregnancy friendly society, hey...

Week: 16
Baby bump: Still more of a junk food bump, hopefully any week now.
Movement: None
Complaints: Barely any. The occasional sore back, cramps and tiredness, but overall I am feeling great.
Maternity clothes: None yet, either worn or bought.

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