Tuesday 26 November 2013

18 Weeks

This week I am starting to feel really great. I have attempted a salad twice- both times a failure, as they don't have great salad leaves choice over here; mainly just chopped cabbage (which doesn't a salad make). My energy seems to have increased slightly again and nausea gone (or, nothing I feel I can really complain about). Mind you, after going shopping for maternity clothes on Saturday in Yokohama I was beyond exhausted. I mean completely, utterly wiped out. I didn't even want to eat dinner I was so tired- not to mention the excursion was completely fruitless as well.

Which brings me on to maternity clothes:
While trying to get dressed I has a massive freak out. I had reached the stage where none of the clothes I could wear would fit. I was left with fat jeans (which I think are pretty hideous, and are reserved for garden work, etc) or wearing tights as pants (not going to happen). I have reached the realisation that I am going to have to cull out most of my wardrobe, as most of my clothes were bought form fitting. And now that my form is growing- they don't fit...

Maternity clothes in Japan, I believe (from what I have found) are disgusting. Maybe it's just that I am used to dressing to show off my figure (kind of a trim, hour glass shape) and I am tall (179cm or 5'10). The maternity clothes I have found are all burlaps sacks, in horrific prints, or skinny pants (in horrific prints) that would be knee high on me. Not to mention that I couldn't find a single maternity store. The best I could get is a tiny section in some larger baby/department stores. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed.

I got to thinking what Japanese women did. I mean, what do they do with such a piddly selection. Here is what I came up with:
1- they mostly quit their jobs, so they have no need for smart looking office attire.
2- their regular clothes are so baggy (to hide their more up and down figures) that they don't really need to buy anything special (so I believe).

After this deduction I decided to hit the stores again on Suunday night, and found two baggy sweater dresses (not maternity) which, while not what I would choose (I like tight), look decent enough and can probably grow up to 40 weeks in them. So that with a pair of my comfortable leggings (most of them are uncomfortable and give me back pain) I have two 'go to' outfits that will fit and be comfortable. I also bought three pairs of shoes- which I didn't want to buy any shoes until after I delivered because of the growing feet problem... whoops.

So what am I going to do? Well, I think I will keep my eyes out for more baggy clothes like that and maybe a poncho or so to keep me warm in the winter. As for the work situation, I am going to buy some shirts online. I have made a kind of pants fastener with elastic and clips, which will hopefully keep my work pants up and I can continue wearing them... I hope. My belly bands I bought off ebay finally arrived yesterday (after nearly 5 weeks- thank goodness I bought them early). I am disappointed in them, as I bought a knock off version which is way too big on me, to I am going to have to hand sew it smaller and let the stitches out later. But, it hides my open pants, so that will be fine for now.

I am also currently looking at tutorials for creating a maternity shirt out a men's business shirts, so I am hoping to get a few and tie a nice ribbon or something around them, and then maybe husband can still use them later.

I will post more on my success/failure trying to dress myself at a later date though... Until then- baby!

Week: 18
Baby bump: slowly growing.
Movement: The same little flutters, very very few though- which is a shame, I was hoping they would be getting stronger and more noticeable by now...
Complaints: Nothing really.
Maternity clothes: Two baggy sweater dresses. Two belly bands (that don't fit) and a make shift pants holder-up belt.

Monday 18 November 2013

17 Weeks

17 weeks and  I am feeling great. More importantly, I think I am feeling Pi-chan. It's so hard to tell at this stage but there were little flutters (which I thought might be food), and this morning at Japanese lessons there were more little flutters- that surely wouldn't be food related this time.
I am starting to get really hungry these day. I still am not eating as well as I should, but hopefully I will get my arse into gear soon. I am gradually having more salads, and munching on carrot sticks so it is a big improvement from a few weeks ago.

Speaking of Japanese lessons; for the first time I thought that I might ask my teacher to help translate Kanji. I was trying to buy car insurance, so copied some unknown Kanji into my Japanese book. Then I also wanted to know one of the Kanji that was in the birth plan book that the clinic gave me. I managed to find all of the other Kanji, and I thought being the first Kanji on the list that it would be fairly innocuous.... Well, she read it and gave me a little look; kind of an amused, questioning glance. Then she said the Japanese word for medicine... Well, I then looked it up in my dictionary and the word was enema (kanchou)... No wonder she gave me a look. It worked out well though as I was looking for a good opening to tell her that I am pregnant, and then it made a lot more sense to her. She was also happy too.

Funnily enough, I have heard the word Kanchou on a regular basis... I am sure all the other Japanese teachers in Japan have had to guard their rectum at some stage which kids try to stick their fingers up there, while yelling "Kanchou".... 

Ahh, Japan.

Week: 17
Baby bump: Tiny, but getting there
Movement: Maybe little flutters... Let's hope.
Complaints: Nope- I am going to not complain for a week...
Maternity clothes: None yet, but I am starting to need it. I had to change into my Fat jeans on the weekend... Which I haven't worn for a year....

Thursday 14 November 2013

Quad Test (Quattro test)-

So last time I posted that I was offered, and refused the Quad test. My reasons for refusing at the time were mainly financial (not sure how much it would cost), and also not wanting to freak out over results. After I wasn't given an NT scan at 13 weeks, I had accepted that it was no use worrying about all the things that could be wrong with any baby and to leave it in the hands of little Pi-chan.

That night, DH and I sat down and had a long talk. He was very pro getting the test, mainly for his own reasons, however I was hesitant; What would we do if it came back with challenging news? It took me a long time to come to the decision, but was easy in the end, that no matter what, it wouldn't change anything. DH also eventually came to the same conclusions, but never the less, we decided that the test would either put our minds at ease, or help us prepare for the future. Besides, it doesn't hurt little Pi-chan because it is just drawing my blood, unlike other tests.

It seems as though my clinic only offers the test between week 15-16, and seeing as I am 16 weeks, 5 days, we hopped to it and off I drove again to the next town. Unfortunately, the wait this morning was a long one. After being there for an hour (I was number 14, and they were just calling number 7), I had to leave to go to work. I went back to the receptionist to hand in my number, but luckily she tried her best to accommodate me, first seeing if I could come back today, or tomorrow (but as I am working my 12 hr days) it wasn't a possibility until Monday- which I got the feeling that it was too late. Either way, she said I would be the next after the next, but after she got the point that I really had to go, they asked me to wait and that I would be the next person.

The doctor went through a form that was kind of scary, one that he couldn't really translate, but I got the idea that it was a disclaimer saying that these things are more of a guide than anything else. Then another form with three questions- Do I have diabetes, are there any problems with brothers or sisters children, and I forget the last question. He told me he will call me with the results in 7-10days. Then, it was just a matter of getting blood drawn (which I think was only one vial, and super quick), and then handing over the 18000 and off on my way to make it just in time for class. The only real regret is about spending the money (which could have bought a crib), but if it helps us in the future I am sure we will think differently.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

16 week check up.

Off I went again, this time with little traffic so I arrived nice and early and was the first patient in there. After receiving my number card, I went and got my blood pressure, urine and weight. Usually I write down my blood pressure but because I was the only one, it happened so quickly that I didn't get a chance.

I am happy to say that my weight isn't as crazy as it could have been. I think it was about 1.4kg gain, which isn't so bad over three weeks (by Australian standards it is right on track), and hopefully when the last of this cold goes then I will start walking again and not pack on the kilos so quickly.

Today, I had a nice surprise when he put me on the table for an external ultrasound. The nurse covered me up with a blanket, and then undid my pants (I was thinking that I could handle that part). He got the doppler out first thing, and this time I could hear Pi's heartbeat really loudly. The the doctor took lots and lots of measurements. The things he pointed out was the head, the abdomen, the thigh bone, the left hand and the spine. It wasn't what I expected at all. I always see the classic ultrasound shots of the baby, side on, head to toe so you can see all of the little baby. This was just parts, except for the spine shot, then I got to see Pi-chan with a head and half a body. Which made me happy.  The doctor also took the weight of the baby, which was 104grams. After which, he gave me tissues to clean myself up, and then he said, "now, internal".

Yep, they are really ultrasound happy. Not quite sure why I needed an external and internal, all he had a look at was the head and then that was it. Wipe off the lube and get dressed again, really. After, he said that they could do the Quattro test if I still wanted (do you remember an earlier post about my NT scan question, and he said he can test me from 16-18weeks). Well, it turns out the test he was talking about was a Quattro, not any of the needle in the baby tests. Worried about the costs, I said no and he seemed happy by the answer, agreeing that it is 'normal pregnancy' not necessary. He told me to come back in three weeks, where a different technician will take lots of different measurements. It is kind of reassuring to know that they do monitor everything carefully.

I wasn't going to ask him about finding out the sex of the baby, but when he asked if I had any questions and I forgot the important question I wanted to ask so I enquired when (in Japan) we could find out the gender (I have read countless times it is 30 weeks). To my pleasant surprise he said "today there was a thigh bone, but next time". Wow! Maybe we can find out early. I would love that!!!

Between finding out the sex early, and offering the Quattro test (which I don't know if I will take) I am really starting to love my doctor and my clinic.

Today's visit cost: 1000yen (with the vouchers)

I thought I should mention the Quattro test is called the
母体血清マーカー or クアトロテスト or  ( Botai kessei mākā (kuatorotesuto) )
 My clinic offers it for $180.

Sunday 10 November 2013

16 Weeks

It's so funny to think how slowly the weeks were going when I first found out that I was pregnant, but now they feel like they are flying. Which is fantastic!!! 16 weeks must be a good number for me, because though I am still getting over my cold, I barely feel nauseated at all. Yay! I even stopped wearing my sea sickness bands which hadn't left my wrists (save for sleeping and showering) since they arrived in the mail. I do have an appointment this week, and when I jumped on the scales the other day it looks like I have gained at least 2 kgs in the last three weeks. Gahhh! So I am curious (and a little apprehensive) to be weighed on the doctor's scales to see just what the damage is- it might be worse.

My clothes are getting just that little bit tighter. I ordered some belly bands from ebay a few weeks ago, so I am really hoping they get here soon. Otherwise I might have to visit a baby store, otherwise i'll run out of clothes to wear for work. Sometimes I feel that my bump is impressive, and other times I feel like it is non existent, which makes me think that it maybe be more food than bump still. Sad face.

I am also always surfing the net for maternity clothes, and sometimes find some great clothes and instantly want to buy, but the shipping to japan can sometimes be 5 times that of the item. Soon I will have to bite the bullet and order some though, because shipping is usually quite a few weeks and Japanese maternity clothes look more like sacks that are used to cover your shame. Maybe I will have to end up buying a few sacks, though at this stage I am more tempted to raid the men's department at uniclo. They don't really have sexy-chic clothes to highlight the best features of being pregnant (heaven forbid) anyway and from what I have seen they are even seriously lacking in some plain of casual business type formal wear. I was reading the other day that many Japanese women quit their job in the second trimester, and I have never seen a heavily pregnant woman working before. My student is also newly pregnant (she is 32), and works a part time (5 hours, 3 days a week) receptionist job, and she is quitting in the second trimester. I asked her why, and she said because of the late nights (she finishes at 9pm some nights). Gosh knows what Japanese society will think of me- doing 12 hr days and getting home from work at 10:30pm most nights. Mind you, if I could avoid the 12 hr days and late nights, I would, but it comes with the job; so it's either work it, or quit. Wouldn't it be nice to be pregnant in a pregnancy friendly society, hey...

Week: 16
Baby bump: Still more of a junk food bump, hopefully any week now.
Movement: None
Complaints: Barely any. The occasional sore back, cramps and tiredness, but overall I am feeling great.
Maternity clothes: None yet, either worn or bought.

Sunday 3 November 2013

15 weeks

The great news about 15 weeks, or close to it, as my energy has been returning (not in crazy amounts, but much better than the dead by 11am feeling I had), and my morning sickness is just about gone. Yay. This week marks another cold for me, and I really was wanting to start exercising again this week. Unfortunately, with a combination of teaching young children, and a lowered immune system because of pregnancy, I am ill once again.
Hopefully a bit of rest will set me right, and maybe 16 is the lucky number for exercising...

In other news this week. My boss came to a temporary decision about my working hours (against his liking though). After we announced my pregnancy to the staff at the last staff meeting, I made it pretty clear to everyone that we are still discussing the hours at work thing. Afterwards, he mentioned putting me on part time- to everyone (which is definitely not what I want), however I remained stoically silent on the matter to let him know I wasn't going to go along and agree with whatever he said. Later that day, he told me he would be cutting my hours from 25, to 21 (which is what most of the male staff already have, some only have 18hrs- it's just that I am the only female that my schedule is overloaded), but obviously that would keep me at full time salary. He then mentioned that we would review in a few months about putting me on part time. Again, not want I want, so nothing but silence from me. I think he might be getting the point that I am not going to budge super easily. At this point I don't know which classes will be cut, or when it will take effect, but hopefully if it gives me a bit more time to rest then it will be really valuable in the future. I am really happy that he came through in the end. It's just a shame that Japan is so far behind in maternal rights, otherwise I would have never had to fight this mini battle.