Tuesday 20 January 2015

Being a mum of a 9 month old is...

Being covered in food, of all kinds, at all times (and not even caring)

Reaching down and discovering something crusty on your dressing gown, that you are just not sure what it is. But you don't wash it anyway.

Saying things like "Oh No, he's gotten into the onions again"

Getting a bicep like Popeye... Just one though.

Hearing the squealing of a little piggy that is being squeezed into a tuxedo...All. day. long.

Having eyes of a hawk, that has the eyes of many hawks.

Realising it's not separation anxiety, but separation hysteria.

Discovering that your house isn't baby proof as you thought it was.

Never pooping alone.

Finding out that babies can fit enough food up their nostrils to block it, but they don't like you fishing out the food.

That you shouldn't let your baby feed itself when they are tired (see above for consequences).

Cooking at least three gourmet meals a day; because they should have 'x' many servings of vegetables and protein at all meals, that are soft, and lumpy (or they will never eat whole food), but not too lumpy, and certainly not too pureed, no salt or sugar, bland but full of flavour, nothing allergy triggering, nothing artificial, all organic, and never introducing a new food too early (but delaying may find you feeding them nothing but Ketchup Sandwiches until they are 15).

Above all, being a mum of a 9 month old is having a baby who is filled with nothing but love, and the need to be cuddled up next to mum.

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